Nancy Pelosi   (Washington D.C.)
January 7, 2009
You people need to get informed. Global Warming is a serious topic to worry about. I worry about each and every day. Some of those comments are very inhumane, disturbing, and mean. I hope you have learned a lesson. Sincerely,Nancy Pelosi

Kerry Oky  (Alienville,Mars)
January 7, 2009
Hydraulic hoses are rea;;y fun to burn. i burnt like 500 of them last night thick black smoke ws everywhere. my chairman said i needed a permit to burn but forget him. he is a spyer in the cornfields.

Al Frankenstein  (Minnesota)
January 6, 2009
how many offsets do i have to print off to offset my plan to completely annihilate the earth? hhmmmmmm, i imagine it must be an astronomical number, around 5,674,573,893,463,909 offsets. Well, whatever it takes!!

Wayne  (Wayne's World)
January 6, 2009
yeah, so you guys know how i do my show with garth? totally cool, except for that part about the pollution I'm causing from it. before some good man told me about that part, I was not aware of that. however...because of this awesome website, i can do all the shows i want! Excellent!! Wayne's World! Wayne's World!

iq'bal hassan mohammed butrah  (some palestinian country, I forgot which)
January 6, 2009
when i go to mosque the other day in my V12 engine car, i felt reaaal bad. it feel like breaking ramadan. yes, that bad! but thank to this website, i no feel bad no more!! i love it sooo much!! now i can burn stuff!! banzai!!

Prof. Puff Fat, Ph.D.  (Harvard University)
January 5, 2009
I just finished calculations on my patented Computer Weather Data Predictor program. The results were astounding to say the least! Okay, here are the results: The earth will warm up about .56 degrees Centigrade over the next 50 years. How frightening! However, because of Free Carbon Offsets, we can safely have a consensus that the earth will heat up by only .55 degrees Centigrade! What a heartwarmer! You people are saints!

Ben Dover  (Plumber's Crack, Wyoming)
January 5, 2009 i just had a tire burning fest with the locals here at Plumber's Crack. Man, it was awesome!! However, i had a little bit of an issue with that smoke pollution. but, thanks to, i have no regrets! Excellent!!

Morton Salts  (Minsk, Belarus)
December 27, 2008
No more just for wealthy. Good thing you do. Many thanks.

Mark  (California)
December 26, 2008
Everyone knows when global warming runs its course it can then get very cold. So be careful about trying to cool the planet and combat global warming alone. I'm afraid issuing too many of these certificates may lead to Carbon Offset Inflation and could cause too much snowfall. Climate Change is what we're up against as humans. The goal of mankind should be to stabilize planetary temperatures to 74 degrees F, 365 days per year, no matter where you live--Alaska or Florida.

Mike Littoris  (Austin Texas)
December 26, 2008
Thanks for doing your part to battle Global Whining.

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The most unhappy thing about conservation is that it is never permanent. Save a priceless woodland or an irreplaceable mountain today, and tomorrow it is threatened from another quarter.
— Hal Borland, New York Times Book Review, 25 February 1964